Saturday, October 4, 2008

Get paid to surf ads using seems to be quite a popular paid-to-surf ads program. The process requires you to click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends. You’ll get paid $0.01 for each website you personally view and $0.01 for each website your referrals view. Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through PayPal. The minimum payout is $10.00.

What makes it even more interesting is the fact that you can buy various referral packages that can enable you to jump start your earning capability. All the referrals come with a ‘replacement guarantee’.

There are several forums where users have shown proof of payment.

An example of potential earnings for 100 active referrals (based on averages):

  • 100 referrals click 10 ads per day = $10.00
  • Your daily earnings = $10.00
  • Your weekly earnings = $70.00
  • Your monthly earnings = $300.00

Well, if you can spare 10 minutes each day on you may earn money from it, as described above. It all depends on how many referrals you can bring into your network.

What do you think? Will such programs be successful in the long run? Can users really earn significant amount from such websites?

Calling All Web Masters and Affiliate Marketers

Get Paid for Every Impression - No Clicks Required: Pay-per-Play

Does ad sense work, the answer to that is yes it does, but just before you login into your adsense account to get your code, Think about how much sense it makes to share your revenue, from your website,

As you read this sentence 2 more website owners have joined us...

NetAudioAds™ Pay Per Play (PPP) is a new advertising channel that is set to take the web by storm. Because of the size and scope of this deal (which is backed by one of the BIG 5 search engines), Pay Per Play (PPP) advertising will become a world wide business media event.

PPP works on a bid management system similar to Google AdWords and will compensate publishers (website owners) just like Google AdSense but with one critical difference…

Publishers will earn revenue on 100% of their traffic with no clicks necessary!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

ClassNotFoundException on Tomcat startup: ConfigureListener missing ?

Error Message:

SEVERE: Error configuring application listener of class com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.
The ConfigureListener is part of the jsf implementation you must include the jsf jars in to your webapp. It is not sufficient if the jars are in the classpath of your environment.

* Put jsf-api.jar and jsf-impl.jar in WEB-INF/lib of your webapp.
* Give read permissions to the jsf-api.jar and the jsf-impl.jar file.

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Argument Error: One or more parameters are null ?

This is not a very descriptive exception. A parameter in your page is null. You should verify the attributes of the JavaServer Faces components of your page. If you are not sure which component is concerned open the generated java source of your jsp and jump to the lines indicated in the exception.

After you narrowed the trouble down to component level, verify if the are any attributes that could possibly be null, or if there are any attributes missing that should be there.

* Verify if there are any attributes that could possibly be null.
* Verify if there are any attributes missing.
* Verify if you have missed to specify an "itemLabel" attribute for a .
* If you use resource bundles for an attribute double-check its spelling, because this exception can *hide* a bundle spelling problem.
* Restart your web application in order to see if the problem persists.

ReferenceSyntaxException: how to use numbers as resource bundle message references?

Instead of using a string reference I would like to use numbers.

Resource bundle contains entries like this:
134=Please enter your company name.
Jsf tag has the following:

outputText value="#{bundle.134}"

Error Message:
[com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.OutputTextTag] -
javax.faces.el.ReferenceSyntaxException: Encountered ".134" at line 5, column 8.
Was expecting one of: ...[long list of characters]

You can't refer to number with the dot notation ".134", use the bracket notation instead: outputText value="#{bundle['134']}"

JspException; Duplicate component id: '_id0:_id14', first used in tag: ?

Error Message:
javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Duplicate component id: '_id0:_id14', first used in tag: 'com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputTextTag' org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.doHandlePageException(

There are two components that have the same id while the JSF components are rendered. You won't necessarily find duplicate ids in your jsp source code, this problem arises very often due to the way JSP and JSF interact.

* If the duplicate id is one that you have created: check if there are duplicate components ids in your jsp source code, do not forget the included components.
* If you use the JSTL core tags, forEach, if, choose and when don't forget that the JavaServer Faces tags nested within these tags must have explicit identifiers. In this case you cannot rely on the generated ids.
* Check if you programmatically add components to the component tree without giving them explicit ids. If so you must give them explicit ids.
* Sometimes you only wrestle with this problem during development and it can be solved by creating a new session.

javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Error testing property 'name' in bean of type null ?

Everything look all right, all getters and setters are there. What does this exception mean?

If you declared something like

the value binding expression is valid if you can call:
getUser() returns null in this case

* Declare the setters and getters for name _and_ user as public (public String getName()... public void setName(String name) etc.)‏
* Check if the faces-config.xml file is being deployed. This prevents the faces servlet from setting up the beans.
* Check for a typo in the faces-config.xml, where you declare the managed beans.
* Check if your class name is really "User" and not "UserBean" or similar. Even if the accessor methods are getUser() and setUser() there will probably be a cast exception internally.

javax.faces.FacesException: Can't instantiate class: 'com.example.InputPageBean' ?

This means, that for some reason class InputPageBean wasn't found at runtime. That can happen if com.example.InputPageBean wasn't properly deployed and is being missed from classpath.
* Check if your class file (not the ".java" file) is on the class path of your webapp. Your class file should be in webapp/WEB-INF/classes/com/example.
* Check for typos in the faces-config.xml file, verify the package and the class name
* Check the POJO default constructors if are properly implemented because there are cases you have overide it.
* Check for compiler errors

IllegalArgumentException:argument type mismatch


Error Message:
2005-01-18 14:34:18 StandardWrapperValve[Faces Servlet]: Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception
javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch at......

What you wanted to use is the value attribute, not the binding attribute.

If you declare the "value" attribute you use "Value Binding" expressions. They are used to refer to properties in your bean.
Example: value="${userBean.userName}" refers to the username property in your userBean instance. Your userBean should have accessors methods for the "userName" property: setUserName(String name) and getUserName()‏

Declaring the "binding" attribute you use "Component Binding" expressions. With this attribute you refer to the entire component instance.
Example:assuming "result" refers to a UIInput component instance: binding="${userBean.result}" Then in your userBean, you would have:
private UIInput result;
public UIInput getResult() {
return result;
public void setResult(UIInput result) {
this.result = result);

Common errors in Java Server Faces (JSF)

Basically, when you are developing your applications for the first time using Java Server Faces (JSF) most likely you encounter errors. To deal with this common errors in JSF, I made some pages in this blog that presents some of the ways to solve your problem.
Below are the list of common errors in JSF. Just click on it to read the details on how to deal with that kind of error.

  1. IllegalArgumentException:argument type mismatch
  2. javax.faces.FacesException: Can't instantiate class: 'com.example.InputPageBean' ?
  3. javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Error testing property 'name' in bean of type null ?
  4. JspException; Duplicate component id: '_id0:_id14', first used in tag: ?
  5. ReferenceSyntaxException: how to use numbers as resource bundle message references?
  6. javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Argument Error: One or more parameters are null ?
  7. ClassNotFoundException on Tomcat startup: ConfigureListener missing ?